If you deliver someone else’s goods in exchange for money, you are a courier and need specialist hire and reward insurance. Normal car insurance will not cover you in the event of a claim so you need to obtain specific Courier Insurance. There are additional risks involved that need to be considered and at Yourshield we will find the right deal for you and your business.
We understand that every courier business is different which is why each policy is built on a bespoke basis to align with your courier work contract specifications.
Your policy will be based on a variety of different factors from the distance you drive, what kind of vehicle you have and how many drops you usually make daily. We cover you in case your vehicle is stolen, damaged or in an accident.
Here are a list of some of the Courier sectors that we specialise in
- Amazon
- Newspaper deliveries
- Hazardous
- EU usage
- Bespoke high value goods
What makes us different

With access to a wide range of insurance products, we provide coverage options that meet your needs effectively.

We source insurance products in line with your demands and needs whilst working to your deadlines.

Building relationships with our clients is massively important to us, we care about everything we do and love to see the positive impact working with us has on your business.